Acts of Renewal
Great Entertainment,
Encouraging, Effective Speakers
Theatre to Delight the Soul
Acts of Renewal creates outstanding theatre that glorifies God, leading audiences around the world toward hope, goodness and a hunger for God in Christ.
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Enjoy a taste of Acts of Renewal
speaking and performances.
Funny, engaging speakers, grounded Christian Theatre.
Looking toward the future of your next event?
Have Jim & Carol help make it a success.

“We thought we were the only ones who dealt with this. You made us feel normal and gave us hope.”
- Dan & Emma T.
We hear this feedback a lot at our Date Nights and weekend seminars. And we love it, because we like to encourage marriages. If communication is something you struggle with, we’ve provided a few practical resources for encouragement here. Enjoy our new podcast, ‘On the Front Porch’ with Jim & Carol
Marriage & Couples Events
Date Nights – Seminars - Retreats
Hilarious, Engaging Speakers
Women’s Events
Carol Anderson
Your Speaker & Actress
Funny - Relevant - Real
Worship & Outreach Events
Performing Theatre to Delight the Soul - with content that speaks to the heart
Videos & Scripts
Giving you resources to enjoy at home or use to encourage others.
Check out our Zoom-friendly scripts for your church or online event
As Acts of Renewal, we’re speakers who use comedy theatre to teach and encourage audiences around the world. We also offer resources for everyday marriages that could use some encouragement right now. And who doesn’t need that?
We look forward to hearing from you,
Jim & Carol

Get in Touch
Interested in having us present at your upcoming event?
Connect with us through our contact page or give us a call at (828) 301-8562
We look forward to hearing from you!