Worship & Special Events
Two Great Options
for Morning Worship
Acts of Renewal can enhance the impact of your sermon with funny, powerful theatre that speaks to the heart. A great way to connect story with sermon principles in a way that sticks.
Or enjoy a break and have Jim and Carol offer worshipful engaging material for the sermon such as “The Art of Forgiveness”. This powerful presentation explores the challenges and truths of our call to forgive one another.
They use Scripture, story, testimony and theatre to bring it alive. There are many stories of how God has used this presentation to speak into lives. With either choice your people experience a ministry filled worship service that speaks to the heart.
Marriage and Family Ministry
Jim and Carol’s performances about relationships, are very funny and achingly true to life. For couples events, they address the real stuff in marriage offering practical tools for better relationships. Their events are designed with time for spouses to talk together to contextualize what they are learning.
As an audience, they get to yell out suggestions for improving conflict styles that Jim and Carol then incorporate with improv.
An alive, memorable and highly encouraging experience. Find out about the full range of what they offer to encourage marriages.
Christmas Outreach or Special Worship Service
“It is Christmas! These things, they come to me!”
-The Jamaican Wiseman
Mary and the Annunciation, The Jamaican Wiseman and more. Wonderful Christmas theatre pieces from that work great as part of a worship service or easy programming for a Christmas outreach event that works.
For the Christian who loses sight of what Christmas is supposed to be about - For the non-believer who's not sure what they believe, Acts of Renewal's Christmas show reaches the heart. Great response from churches that have used this to reach out to their community.
Easter - Holy Week
Jim and Carol bring to life the journey of Holy Week with theatre and Scripture readings that are powerful, moving and thought provoking. Simple good theatre, done well that connects to the heart. Great for Palm Sunday or Maundy Thursday.
Church Retreats
Enjoy a fresh different church retreat combining speaking, entertainment and audience engagement that fits right in with the theme of the day or weekend. Your programming will have lots of laughter, with
good Bible teaching and themes, engaging small group discussions and activities . Their appeal for an
intergenerational audience make them a great choice for a church or parish retreat.
Performance Options:
The following are different ways churches have utilized Acts of Renewal during Holy Week:
A 60 or 90 minute presentation of powerful theatre as part of one of your Holy Week events.
A Choir Concert - with your choirs that has theatre pieces with Acts of Renewal between music presentations
Palm Sunday - Jim and Carol work with your readers to present a powerful reading of the Passion as well as theatre to highlight the events of that day.
A Weekend Event - where Acts of Renewal works with your lay people and provides special theatre, readings and more bringing the events of Holy Week alive as part of the services.
Jim and Carol Performing in Israel at Shepherds Field outside Bethlehem in the West Bank as part of a worship service.
“Thank you, Jim and Carol for ministering so wonderfully at our church retreat. The evaluation forms overwhelmingly gave you the highest marks possible and most said it was the best program in our twenty plus years of having this retreat. You are gifted teachers of God’s truth and you do it in a unique style that is refreshing.”
-Steve Hagaman, Director of Retreat Programming, Christ Community Church, Montreat NC
"Once again the Lord has used you at All Saints to bring His truth to His people in a clear and profound way. We were all blessed."
-The Rev. Bishop Terrell Glenn
Anglican Church of North America
"Jim and Carol’s unique blend of theatre, humor and speaking was exactly what I was looking for in a marriage event. In fact, they were so good, I am having them back again this year. I highly recommend them to any church! You won’t be disappointed!
-Pastor Barry Owen, Minister to Married Adults, Lawndale Baptist Church, Greensboro, NC

Get in Touch
Interested in having us perform for your upcoming event?
Connect with us through our contact page
or give us a call at (828) 301-8562
We look forward to hearing from you!