College Ministry
Chapel and Evening Events
Fresh, Engaging Material that Connects with Students
Want to get your chapel students to engage in a fresh, new way?
Acts of Renewal brings professional theatre that hits the spectrum from hilarity to moving truth with plays designed for college audiences. Highlighting the realities of hard issues students deal with on a daily basis, Jim and Carol have an honest style that engages students where they are. They've presented at over 60 schools in the CCCU, bringing laughter and thought provoking moments of spiritual truths that connect.
"While Asbury has enjoyed visits from Acts of Renewal for many years, their visit this October during our series on "Faith in an Unforgiving Culture" revealed once again how creativity and vulnerability make grace and truth palpable for students. Carol and Jim are very natural at sharing from their own journeys as their drama engages profound topics for collegians. After an engaging morning chapel, well over 200 students attended a hilarious evening of hearing about "Communicating with the Opposite Sex". We look forward to more years with Acts of Renewal as they minister through drama with relevance, wisdom, and wit."
- Rev. Greg K. Haseloff, Associate Dean for Campus Ministries & Campus Chaplain Asbury University
How Does This Work?
Jim and Carol can come to campuses for one, two to three days sharing their ministry extensively through morning chapels, evening forums and meetings in the dorms. They always make it a point to hang around after presentations talking to students until there's nobody left.
Popular Programming
Real Stories, Real Theatre, Real Life. Acts of Renewal explores the messiness, the misconceptions and some of the powerful truth that forgiveness brings into our lives. How do we give and receive it to allow transformation to happen?
Exploring the risk of reaching out of your comfort zone to impact another person's life in service. What if you feel inept? What if you fail? How can your greatest weakness become your greatest strength when helping someone else? Great theatre, funny, powerful, real.
Jim and Carol use theatre to explore challenging family relationships. A funny, moving show based on a true story that offers hope.
Finding Balance in the Chaos — Does it all feel like too much, too fast and you can never really get ahead? Are you exhausted, reaching for elusive peace and longing for rest? Come learn some helpful tools to find balance in the chaos. Acts of Renewal presents engaging theatre and explores some spiritual disciplines that give you a way to balance the intensity. Can the ancient/future use of Sabbath and listening prayer bring restoration to your crazy life? Come find out.
COMMUNITY — “Ubuntu”
This Zulu word means “We are fully human when connected to God and each other.” Exploring through theatre the realities of choosing to invest in real community. The challenges and pay offs. Great true stories from social justice to dealing with the hard to love person in your life.
How do we get back to a real connection with God that's back to the heart, that brings us alive and directly affects our relationships? Some funny and powerful theatre explores all this in an innovative and thought provoking manner.
STRESS — How to Survive it and Help Others as Well
You're overwhelmed and so is everyone around you and it's just the beginning of the semester! Life is already intense and it feels like it will never change. You're not alone and there's good news. Acts of Renewal provides theatre that explores the problem of stress and how to find balance in the chaos. So come and laugh. It's a good stress reliever.
"Jim and Carol put flesh on the truths of God’s call, grace, love and forgiveness in a way that touches lives and changes hearts. Their presentations at Gordon College over the past years have provided some of the most memorable moments in our chapel program. Their drama is always fresh, poignant, anchored in Biblical truth and relevant to the real-life struggles of those seeking to faithfully follow Christ. I look forward to continuing to partner with them in ministering to college students."
- Dr. Greg Carmer, Dean of the Chapel, Gordon College
"Students rated Acts of Renewal as their favorite chapel series last year. We hosted them for our relationship series at Palm Beach Atlantic University and because of the great impact they had during their time on our campus, we have invited them to come back again. They have been a blessing to our student body and we are thrilled to be having them back again this year."
- Nathan Oliver, Counseling Center Director, Palm Beach Atlantic University
EVENING PROGRAMMING: That Keeps On Connecting with Students
Come experience hilarious interactive theatre exploring the differences between the sexes and some basics in healthy communication skills. Students across the country rave about this very funny and very illuminating entertainment experience. Learn, see, and experience how to have healthier relationships that last.
LSD (Love, Sex, and Dating)
The Hallucinogenic Combination of Love, Sex, and Dating — Sexual brokenness and sexual wholeness and how do you move towards the latter for a healthy life? Can you get out of what you've gotten into? What if one of you has had sex and the other hasn't — does that effect a marriage? Acts of Renewal, explores these issues in an entertaining, thought provoking presentation you won't soon forget. Male only or Co-ed version.
(for women only) Fresh, engaging, interactive programming looking at the pressures and realities of body image and beauty from the inside out.
Evening Event at Gordon College
"Thank you so much for your willingness to come and share with us! I have taken away so much from this week. The importance of rest stands out to me and of course the chapels on relationships. My favorite was Wednesday night, I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt, but at the same time I learned so much about myself and my boyfriend. I have heard nothing but good things about this week all over campus. Words hardly communicate the positive impact you have had here."
- Rachel Bradley, Student, Judson University
"If they were only good Christian actors, I would continue to bring them to campus every few years, but they are so much more. In addition to chapel presentations, they lead workshops, speak in classes and because some of the issues they address can be painful, they make themselves available to students to help them process and begin to explore opportunities for healing. We've been blessed to host the ministry of Acts of Renewal. I can't recommend them highly enough."
- Dr. Warren Anderson, Dean of the Chapel, Judson University
A Packed Evening Event

Interested in having a conversation
about how Jim and Carol
could offer compelling programming
for your chapel or special series?
Connect with us through our contact page
or give us a call at (828) 301-8562
We look forward to hearing from you!